Y4PT 2nd Transport Hackathon Chile 2017

Brand Identity, Graphic Design

Branding and graphic design for Y4PT’s 2nd Chilean National Transport Hackathon.

Branding and graphic design for Y4PT’s 2nd Chilean National Transport Hackathon.

The vector-based illustration developed for the event resembled key landmarks of both Santiago and Concepción—the two Chilean cities in which the event took place—contained within a two-shaped container to symbolize the 2nd edition.



Graphic Design

Laura Sandoval

Y4PT Volunteers

Lluís Vidal

Jeannette Orozco

Carolina Sánchez

Rolando Álvarez

Sebastián Díaz

Laura Sandoval

Independent Online Films

Filmmaking & Photography

Selected online films I worked on before transitioning to Product Design & Engineering.

Independent Online Films